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Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth.

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Ven 10 Juil - 21:32
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Une démarche et un port de reine, tout en sa façon de se tenir donne le ton. Fausse poupée de porcelaine, ses lèvres rouges se tordent bien trop souvent en une moue boudeuse pour que l’on puisse la qualifier de facile à vivre. Drapée dans ses robes ornées de milles pierreries elle fait mine de se plier aux convenances pour mieux les briser l’instant d’après. Hypocrite au possible, elle porte un masque et ne ratera jamais une occasion de vous poignardez dans le dos. Égoïste, superficielle et coquette, elle dépense sans compter et ne s’interdit aucun plaisir que la vie ait à lui offrir car dans ce monde, la seule richesse est celle que l’on acquiert, par la force et la sournoiserie s’il le faut. « Toujours plus » est d’ailleurs son crédo, telle une enfant gâtée elle exige, utilise et jette une fois son envie assouvie, une fois son caprice passé. De sa voix douce et trompeuse, elle exige et ne souffre pas qu’on la contredise car depuis toujours sa parole a force de loi et les inconscients se risquant à lui dire non s’en souviennent encore. Vindicative au possible elle n’oublie aucun affront et sait en terme de vengeance faire preuve d’une patience à toute épreuve. Comme le feu, indomptable et imprévisible, l’on ne sait jamais sur quel pied danser et lorsqu’elle entre dans une pièce, l’illuminant de sa présence toute caractéristique de la famille Thornsfield, tous se taisent attendant de découvrir de quelle disposition elle s’est levée ce matin-ci. Pourtant, la princesse du feu sait jouer un rôle, elle charme, elle rit, elle séduit dans le seul but de se faire bien voir. Loin d'être honnête, elle sait jouer les rôles pour arriver à ses fins. Souvent perçu comme une femme élégante et raffinée, elle n'en est pas moins une membre de la famille Thornsfiel. Maëlle est une reine, une princesse, une Thornsfield dont l’orgueil n’a d’égal que sa beauté.  

NOM ◊ Thornsfield, un nom qui inspire la terreur, un nom qui transpire le mal et la violence. Maëlle est l'une des descendantes de la sorcière Maléfique. Venant d'un puissant ancêtre possédant la magie, Maëlle est capable également de la pratiquer même si elle n'est réellement puissante qu'avec ses frères et soeurs. Elle a refusé à son mariage de prendre le nom Montrose, voulant garder un lien avec ses proches.
PRENOM ◊ Maëlle, un prénom qu'elle n'apprécie guère, qu'elle n'aime point. Alina en deuxième prénom qu'elle supporte mieux.
SURNOM ◊ Surnommée la princesse de feu à cause de son tempérament impulsif et explosif, Maëlle apprécie ce surnom, elle en est même fière.
AGE ◊ Agée de vingt-quatre hivers, la jeune femme a terriblement peur de vieillir. Elle ne veut pas perte sa jeunesse.
NAISSANCE ◊ Née un vingt-cinq décembre dans le château familial.
PAYS ◊ Originaire de Bramblesland, la jeune femme a du quitter son royaume natal il y a cinq ans pour épouser un prince de Val de Joly.
MÉTIER/FONCTION ◊ Avant d'épouser Lysandre Théodore Montrose Maëlle régnait sur Bramblesland avec ses frères et sœurs et était notamment la figure publique de la famille et le porte parole officiel des Thornsfield, elle s'occupait également des affaires commerciales avec les royaumes voisins. A présent bien qu'elle conserve son titre de reine au sein du premier royaume elle est devenue officiellement une princesse du Val de Joly en épousant le second fils de la famille Montrose.
PARTICULARITÉ ◊ Comme tous les Thornsfield elle est née avec la faculté de créer et contrôler le feu, elle tient également de puissants pouvoirs magiques de son ancêtre Maléfique qui lui permettent de lancer des malédictions et prédirent des prophéties. Les Thornsfield ont la capacité de communiquer avec les dragons et naissent liés à l'un d'entre eux, Maëlle a donc sa propre dragonne qui se trouve être fort paresseuse et incroyablement capricieuse. Tout comme ses frères et sœurs Maëlle est une Faerie.
STATUT CIVIL ◊ Elle est mariée à Lysandre Théodore Montrose depuis cinq ans maintenant, avec qui elle n'a à ce jour pas encore d'enfants au grand désarrois de ses aînés.
ORIENTATION SEXUELLE ◊ Bisexuelle inconnue, la jeune femme n'a jamais vraiment à construire une vie avec une femme car cela ne faisait pas parti de ses fonctions.
MILIEU SOCIAL ◊ Ex-reine de Bramblesland, princesse Montrose.
SITUATION FAMILIALE ◊ Elle a deux frères Aeddan et Soazic ainsi que deux sœurs Vassilissa et Bloodwen. Elle vit à la cour de Castelmaure avec sa belle-famille.
CONTE & ANCÊTRE ◊ Descendante de Maléfique, fée dans la belle aux bois dormant.

Dernière édition par Maëlle A. Thornsfield le Ven 17 Juil - 20:22, édité 3 fois
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Ven 10 Juil - 21:33
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Il était une fois...
◊ Que pensez-vous de la reine actuellement au pouvoir qui détient le contrôle de la capitale, Glasscity? Que vous évoque son arrivée sur le trône? Croyez-vous les mauvaises langues qui suggèrent qu'elle aurait usurpé la défunte reine Blanche-Neige?
Le tintement de la pluie résonnait dans la pièce comme une douce mélodie. De temps en temps, les coups de tonnerre venaient briser ce calme apaisant. La jeune femme tapotait nerveusement ses doigts sur le manche de son trône. Elle ne cessait de penser à cette reine qui avait pris place sur le trône de Glasscity. Elle ne savait que penser d'elle, si elle devait s'en méfier. Cette méchante reine pouvait être un allié de taille pour la jeune Maëlle mais elle ne le savait que trop bien, les personnes avides de pouvoir et de noirceur ne pouvaient être fiables. Elle ne le savait que trop bien car elle en faisait partie. Du haut de ses vingt ans, la jeune femme était la noirceur, attirée depuis toujours par les ténèbres, elle n'avait fais que les suivre en grandissant, abandonnant la moindre partielle de pureté pour devenir une dirigeante digne de ce nom. Elle était sans doute, vis à vis de ses frères et soeurs, celle de la fratrie qui pouvait faire le moins preuve de compassion. Elle avait été façonné par son père pour ne pas se laisser affaiblir par des sentiments bien trop inutiles. Et bien qu'elle était dévouée envers sa famille, elle pouvait parfois se laisser emporter par cette noirceur. Le fracas du tonnerre sortit la jeune femme de ses pensées. Elle regarda l'heure, et décida de sortir faire un tour dans ce nouveau royaume, loin de sa contrée natale.

◊ On dit qu'une révolte se prépare en silence contre la reine d'Apple-Kingdom, avez-vous eu vent de la rumeur? Quelle est votre opinion là-dessus? De quel côté pencherez-vous?
«Et bien parle ! Qu'attends-tu ? Je ne te paies pas pour ne rien faire !» La voix, tranchante, de Maëlle résonna dans toute la pièce. Elle n'avait pas crié, elle n'en avait pas besoin pour inspirer la peur. La jeune espionne en face d'elle se tripota les mains, quelque peu mal à l'aise de la situation. Elle ne savait pas si elle devait livrer les dernières informations qu'elle avait apprise à la souveraine. «Et bien.. d'après mes informations, une révolte se prépare contre Evil Queen...» En entendant ces mots, la princesse du feu se mit à faire les cent pas. Elle ne savait que penser de ces révélations. Elle n'avait jamais vraiment apprécié Evil Queen, elle n'avait jamais eu l'opportunité de l'approcher. Et elle voyait en cette révolte, la possibilité de l'enlever du trône. La méchante reine n'était pas une personne facile à manipuler, ors, c'était ce que Maëlle voulait. Elle souhaite devenir proche du dirigeant de ce grand royaume. Se raclant la gorge, elle tourna les yeux sur l'espionne et une pensée fit son chemin. Personne ne devait savoir qu'elle possédait cette information. Lentement, elle se rapprocha de la cheveux femme, lui caressa tendrement les cheveux. « Je suis fière de toi...» L'espionne se détendit. La main de Maëlle descendit doucement sur la gorge de la jolie blonde et elle se mit à la serrer. La blonde suffoqua, cherchant désespéramment la moindre perle d'air. Au bout de quelques minutes, le corps de l'espionne se détendit et Maëlle la laissa glisser lourdement sur le sol. «Quel gâchis !»

◊ Comment considérez-vous votre famille suzeraine? Est-elle bonne pour le pays selon vous? Entretenez-vous une relation spéciale avec ses membres?
Maëlle regarda désespéramment son mari parcourir la pièce, Lysandre. Elle trouvait cet homme tellement pathétique. Elle l'avait épousé voilà plus de cinq ans, à la demande de sa grande sœur afin de créer des alliances et plus le temps passait en sa compagnie, plus elle avait du mal à résister à son envie de l’empoisonner. Mais la jeune femme ne portait toujours pas d'héritier de son mari et elle ne pouvait risquer de perdre sa place au sein de ce nouveau royaume. Depuis des années, elle espérait désespéramment tomber enceinte pour asseoir son pouvoir au sein de ce nouveau royaume. Elle avait consulté de nombreuses sorciers, fées dans le seul but de procréer et malheureusement, cela n'avait jamais marché. Elle ressentait donc depuis peu, une certaine pression du à sa famille... sa famille. Elle possédait deux faire et deux soeurs. Avant dernière enfant de la famille, elle faisait partie de la famille suzeraine de Bramblesland avant son mariage. Elle avait toujours été dévouée envers sa famille, voulant la protégée, prendre soin de ses frères et soeurs. Ils étaient bons pour le pays, lui apportant richesse et prospérité mais les Thornsfield n'étaient pas connus pour être des gens aimants et miséricordieux.

◊ De quelle façon pourriez-vous décrire le royaume où vous résidez? La vie y est-elle plutôt tranquille, facile? Ou vivez-vous dans une galère de tous les jours que vous aimeriez quitter pour le faste d'un palais ou la beauté d'une autre contrée?
« Je n'en peux plus Lysandre, laisse-moi rentrer chez moi ! Je vais devenir folle ici !» Maëlle tournait en rond tel un lion en cage dans son château du Val de Joly. Elle ne supportait plus l'ambiance de ce royaume bien trop... reposant, joyeux. Ce royaume n'avait rien à voir avec sa contrée natale et elle n'était pas faite pour ce monde. Pourtant, il lui arrivait parfois d'apprécier ce nouveau paysage remplie de fête, de joyaux et autres mondanités dont raffolé la jeune femme. Cependant, elle devait rester, parce que c'était sa nouvelle place, parce qu'elle devait le co-diriger avec d'autres membres de la famille de Lysandre. Son mari, d'ailleurs, s'obstinait à la garder ici, loin des siens, persuadé que cela permettrait à Maëlle de se libérer de ses vices. Mais en réalité, elle avait besoin de retrouver les siens de temps en temps pour vivre, elle ne pouvait rester loin du pays qui l'avait vu naître trop longtemps. Cette fois-ci, son mari céda pour le bien de son épouse et l'autorisa a rentrer auprès des siens pour un mois afin de se ressourcer.

◊ Quelle est votre opinion sur la magie? Pensez-vous qu'elle soit bénéfique? Ou au contraire qu'il s'agisse d'une oeuvre diabolique et qu'il faille organiser une chasse à la sorcière dans tous les royaumes?
Maëlle se sentait affaibli aujourd'hui. Elle avait tiré, une fois de plus, un peu trop dans sa réserve personnelle de magie et de ce fait, son corps n'arrivait à suivre. La jeune femme était une descendante de la sorcière Maléfique et de ce fait, elle possédait l'art de la magie depuis sa naissance, magie qu'elle partageait avec ses frères et soeurs. Loin de son pays, loin des siens, la contrée natale de Maëlle manquait en pouvoir, elle était un pillier, comme ses frères et soeurs. Et même si la magie avait toujours un prix, Maëlle ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de s'en servir à l’excès. Elle était comme cela Maëlle, impulsive, inconsciente, incapable de se raisonner pour son propre bien.

BEHIND THE MIRROR L'on me connait généralement sous le pseudo de Black.Tear mais j'ai l'habitude que l'on me donne pleins de surnoms dont "Lolo" mais "Déesse" et "La plus Belle des Thornsfield" me vont aussi  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3891993056. Comme je suis une déesse, je suis immortelle je vous laisse donc compter vos années et vos rides mortels humains  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1487926345. Sinon j'ai connu le forum via bazzart et Serana la gueuse  (edit sera :gueuse toi même Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2177960698 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568) Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  et je le trouve magnifique, le design est vraiment à tomber  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193. Et puis pour finir je dirai simplement LONG LIVE THE THORNSFIELD  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1487926345  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3686198517  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2963384201 (et gare à vous les fleurs bleues du Val j'arrive pour vous cramer les fesses  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1636062869)  

Dernière édition par Maëlle A. Thornsfield le Ven 17 Juil - 20:30, édité 9 fois
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Ven 10 Juil - 21:38
Zohra Al-Sakhri
I will take what is mine with fire and blood.
I will take what is mine with fire and blood.
RESIDENCE : ☪ Umm Ash-shams ~ Camps Bedouins, loin du Palais, dans les dunes du désert.
FONCTION : ☪ Princesse... Tu tiens ton rôle à la perfection. En apparence. Tu es cette princesse exilée, loin de son trône et de sa couronne. Chassée loin de la capitale, ton titre devient obsolète. Cela ne devient qu'un surnom, sans pouvoir, ni poids. Tu passes tes journées isolées dans ta tente et ne peux sortir que sur autorisation de tes aînés. Tu n'exerces donc aucun métier, on t'arrache tout les rôles, toutes décisions, à ton plus grand damne, toi, femme d'ambition.
HUMEUR : ☪ Volcanique, souffle le chaud et le froid.
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Zohra Al-Sakhri

BIENVENUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE MAËËËËËLLE Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1617742268 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 267508741
Bon courage pour ta fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiche Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Que tu as déjà commencé, it's good, j'aime beaucoup Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1299395092 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1299395092

On l'attendais la petite Maëlle! Tu viens de finir de compléter la family Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099
J'en connais quatre qui ne vont pas tarder à venir te voir Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 Surtout deux folles évadées, mais chuuut Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568
Trop hâte de lire ta fiche Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099

Tu as maintenant sept jours pour terminer ta fiche Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Si tu as des questions, si tu as besoin d'aide, on est à ton entière disposition Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Si tu as besoin de plus de temps pour ta fiche, n'hésite pas non plus à demander un délais, on ne mord pas Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1299395092

BON JEEUUU Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284

Dernière édition par Zohra Al-Sakhri le Ven 10 Juil - 21:42, édité 2 fois
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Ven 10 Juil - 21:39
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Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099
Tu sais que toi aussi j'ai cru que tu n'arriverais jamais Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647
Bref, je suis très contente que tu ai pu t'inscrire et j'ai hâte de voir Maëlle en action Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149
BIENVENUE DONC OFFICIELLEMENT Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1617742268 et bon courage pour ta fiche Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193

Et tu risques de mourir sous une avalanche de smiley d'ici peu Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647
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Ven 10 Juil - 21:43
Zohra Al-Sakhri
I will take what is mine with fire and blood.
I will take what is mine with fire and blood.
RESIDENCE : ☪ Umm Ash-shams ~ Camps Bedouins, loin du Palais, dans les dunes du désert.
FONCTION : ☪ Princesse... Tu tiens ton rôle à la perfection. En apparence. Tu es cette princesse exilée, loin de son trône et de sa couronne. Chassée loin de la capitale, ton titre devient obsolète. Cela ne devient qu'un surnom, sans pouvoir, ni poids. Tu passes tes journées isolées dans ta tente et ne peux sortir que sur autorisation de tes aînés. Tu n'exerces donc aucun métier, on t'arrache tout les rôles, toutes décisions, à ton plus grand damne, toi, femme d'ambition.
HUMEUR : ☪ Volcanique, souffle le chaud et le froid.
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Zohra Al-Sakhri

Graaaaaave une avalanche de smileys, fais gaffe à tes fesses Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647
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Ven 10 Juil - 21:59
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Merci les filles Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149 Et oui l'ouverture est mal tombée pour moi. Je travaille tout le mois de Juillet en animation donc je ne suis dispo que les week end et encore, c'était une torture ce soir d'ouvrir l'ordinateur, je suis plus que crevé Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568 Mais Serana m'a prise par la peau du cou donc je n'ai pas eu trop le choix. Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 D'ailleurs, j'aurais besoin du mp sur la petite Maëlle pour demain après-midi au plus tard sinon je n'aurais pas le temps de faire ma fiche avant le week end prochain. Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1617742268
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Ven 10 Juil - 22:08
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ENCORE UNE THORNSFIELD, je dis non Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2177960698 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1617742268 Bienvenue par ici et bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche ! Je t'envoie des ondes positives même si moi et les Thotho... Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284
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Ven 10 Juil - 22:33
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Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193
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Sam 11 Juil - 14:33
Vassilissa M. Thornsfield
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
RESIDENCE : Bramblesland là est ta patrie et ta demeure, c'est depuis la capitale de Ravenswood que tu règnes, protégée et crainte derrière les remparts de ton château. Assise sur ton trône, tu t'éloignes rarement de la cour de Dragoreth.
FONCTION : Tête couronnée à la tête d'un royaume. Tu es née reine et le resteras quoi qu'il advienne, toi et ta fratrie avez tout pouvoir sur Bramblesland, royaume que vous avez façonné, sublimé et créé. Il ne peut survivre sans vous puisque vous êtes l'énergie qui le rend fort, puissant, remarquable, prédominant. Juge Suprême tu es la loi et l'ordre de ton royaume, rien n'échappe à ton regard hagard, les autorités locales étant sous tes ordres. Loin d'être la plus clémente des souveraines rares sont ceux qui ressortent hommes libres de ton tribunal, ta cruauté détruit tout sur son passage tout comme le feu de ton dragon brûle ses victimes. Tout ne sera que cendres sous ton courroux. Toi la reine des Ténèbres.
HUMEUR : Froideur extrême qui dissimule colère et cruauté. Dangereusement irritable.
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Vassilissa M. Thornsfield

Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193

Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. Giphy
Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. GiphyMaëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. Giphy


Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. Giphy

Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1156802151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2893377810  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2022713658  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4169874667  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3510850974  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3660723278  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 571285007  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1047702845  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2897736106  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2995087321  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 498951509  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3262533235  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1622931575  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2510750108  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3464631887  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2649486501  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2643036163  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2067424776  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2742772231  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1791561850  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 46259310  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 905369067  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2900108839  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1892249561  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1607035574  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3128208619  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2530999544  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 708166060  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 78575304  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1469070256  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586623151  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2848390252  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3495723326  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2095117412  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3902093010  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2798832036  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1523418206  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3883961497  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2218354474  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2473548819  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1604010559  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1278457510  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 991729494  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2320663479  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 274032985  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3581062089  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3505306164  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1184015705  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2120149505  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1611638011  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3335007261  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2131003697  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2834371504  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3169248597  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1586916408  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2420302689  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3774618680  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2675190699  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1870377143  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2093593084  Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3429350117

MA SOEUUUUUR BIENVENUE PARMI NOUS Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3422141688
Très heureuse de te voir Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 puis ce vava gosh Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3056904034 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193
Avec toi toute la fratrie est au complet Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2382507580 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 40626513 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3227299260
J'espère que tu te plairas parmi nous Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 192010562

Bloodwen va t'envoyer les info moi je ne suis pas là cette après-midi Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1299395092
Mais tu ferais bien de lui envoyer un petit mp de rappel sinon elle risque d'oublier Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647
Hâte de lire ta fiche en tout cas Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3108032437
Je te contacte soon pour voir notre lien Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149
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Mar 14 Juil - 22:32
Vassilissa M. Thornsfield
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
RESIDENCE : Bramblesland là est ta patrie et ta demeure, c'est depuis la capitale de Ravenswood que tu règnes, protégée et crainte derrière les remparts de ton château. Assise sur ton trône, tu t'éloignes rarement de la cour de Dragoreth.
FONCTION : Tête couronnée à la tête d'un royaume. Tu es née reine et le resteras quoi qu'il advienne, toi et ta fratrie avez tout pouvoir sur Bramblesland, royaume que vous avez façonné, sublimé et créé. Il ne peut survivre sans vous puisque vous êtes l'énergie qui le rend fort, puissant, remarquable, prédominant. Juge Suprême tu es la loi et l'ordre de ton royaume, rien n'échappe à ton regard hagard, les autorités locales étant sous tes ordres. Loin d'être la plus clémente des souveraines rares sont ceux qui ressortent hommes libres de ton tribunal, ta cruauté détruit tout sur son passage tout comme le feu de ton dragon brûle ses victimes. Tout ne sera que cendres sous ton courroux. Toi la reine des Ténèbres.
HUMEUR : Froideur extrême qui dissimule colère et cruauté. Dangereusement irritable.
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Vassilissa M. Thornsfield

Je reviens donc pour m'occuper de ta validation chère soeur Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193
mais avant tout quelques modifications à faire Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149
Pour moi, tu as très bien cerné le caractère de Maëlle, manipulatrice, capricieuse, cupide, la coquette la plus enragée du Val c'est certain Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 peut-être que tu devrais adoucir un pue son côté "psycho" Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 parce que bien qu'elle soit aussi sombre que ses frères et soeurs, Maëlle possède une qualité qu'ils n'ont pas (à part Soazic) elle sait charmer, être agréable, séduire... Elle a des manières chaleureuses et doucereuses mais démunies de sincérité, elle est bien plus subtile dans sa manière d'être en fait Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1299395092 ce pourquoi elle s'intègre si bien au Val (que certes elle n'adore pas mais qu'elle apprécie pour ses belles toilettes, ses fêtes, sa nourriture, ses distraction Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 donc elle n'a pas ce royaume en horreur non plus, elle peut s'y là couler douce Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647Arrow) Voilà, c'était juste quelques précisions rien d'alarmant, maintenant, les modifis Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885

Citation :
Mais la jeune femme ne portait toujours pas d'héritier de son mari et elle ne pouvait risquer de perdre sa place au sein de ce nouveau royaume. En réalité, elle mettait tout en œuvre depuis des années pour ne pas tomber enceinte, elle avait simplement peur, peur en donnant naissance à un enfant, de sonner sa fin ainsi que celle de ses frères et sœurs. Il y avait à chaque fois une chance pour que l'enfant porte le feu du dragon, un feu qui consumerait la jeune femme. Alors, du haut de ses vingt-six ans

Alors trois petits bémols Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871489393 déjà :
1) Ne pas avoir d'héritier est justement une chose qui dérange beaucoup Maëlle, ça assurerait sa place au sein de la famille royale définitivement, sa famille le sait, elle le sait, bref tout le monde en a conscience Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 Elle essaye depuis des années (voir bien plus que Lys hein Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 783368161) et ne parvient à rien, ce qui d'ailleurs, impatiente beaucoup Lissa qui n'arrête pas de la relancer, et lui envoyer fioles et potions pour la fertilité Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 Elle en vient même à se demander si elle ne serait pas stérile What a Face (parce que bon, le côté Montrose, on sait qu'il est efficace vu la famille nombreuse Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647Arrow) Donc c'est au contraire, quelque chose qui la préoccupe à laquelle elle veut absolument remédier ! Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568
2) Elle ne peut pas avoir peur que sa progéniture la tue puisqu'elle n'est pas au courant. Je te conseille de bien relire mon mp c'est préciser dedans, personne n'en a conscience à part Evil Queen Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 547047976
3) Enfin, Maëlle a 24 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 547047976 et j'ai pu remarquer que selon ce que tu écrivais tu lui donnes parfois 25 voir 26 ans Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871489393

Citation :
 Loin de son pays, loin des siens, elle était beaucoup plus faible, presque une simple mortelle. 

Alors, elle peut avoir plus de difficulté à se servir de ses pouvoirs mais pas à ce point-là Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 sinon les Thornsfield seraient trop vulnérable, comme les Icelandik d'ailleurs où les Seashells. Leurs pouvoirs les suivent, peu importe où ils sont. Le problème c'est justement que leur magie manque à leur royaume car c'est elle qui l'alimente, ce pourquoi Lissa et Aeddan sont obligés de compenser leur absence à Bramblesland et que Lissa en meurt petit à petit sans que personne ne le sache Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 547047976 Leurs terres ont besoin de leur magie, magie qui se trouve amoindrie car justement ils sont séparés. Mais Maëlle la conserve avec elle, d'où le soucis Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2398607261 J'espère que tu me suis Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871489393

Je crois que j'ai tout évoqué Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3891993056 une fois que tu auras apporté ces petites modifs je viendrais te valider Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 911663655
Au passage j'ai beaucoup aimé que tu traites les questions sous forme de rp, c'était très original Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 402844601

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Mar 14 Juil - 23:46
Aumaric C. Montrose
Et ta débauche ne leurre qu’un instant ton désespoir caché.
Et ta débauche ne leurre qu’un instant ton désespoir caché.
FONCTION : Tu es le prince héritier de Val de Joly, celui qui héritera de tout par le biais de ton père. Tu as été élevé dans ce but, et à ce jour, tu as reçu le pouvoir de déclarer la guerre aux autres royaumes, de faire la paix, de diriger les actions de l'armée et de négocier et de ratifier les traités, les alliances et les accords internationaux.
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Aumaric C. Montrose

Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284

Ose faire du mal à mon frangin et je t'exile à coup de pied au cul moi ! Ça va être du rapide Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 783368161 "renvoi express de soeurette". Par contre question bébé je vais faire un topo à Lys, ou je peux voir ça avec toi aussi :

Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. Tumblr_mx6w0gNj7J1suhpfuo1_500

Après tout entres frères on partage tout Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2177960698

BIENVENUE A TOI SINON ! Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149 Même si tu es une Thornsfield, mais bon on peut pas être parfait hein Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 763323568
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Mar 14 Juil - 23:51
Vassilissa M. Thornsfield
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
RESIDENCE : Bramblesland là est ta patrie et ta demeure, c'est depuis la capitale de Ravenswood que tu règnes, protégée et crainte derrière les remparts de ton château. Assise sur ton trône, tu t'éloignes rarement de la cour de Dragoreth.
FONCTION : Tête couronnée à la tête d'un royaume. Tu es née reine et le resteras quoi qu'il advienne, toi et ta fratrie avez tout pouvoir sur Bramblesland, royaume que vous avez façonné, sublimé et créé. Il ne peut survivre sans vous puisque vous êtes l'énergie qui le rend fort, puissant, remarquable, prédominant. Juge Suprême tu es la loi et l'ordre de ton royaume, rien n'échappe à ton regard hagard, les autorités locales étant sous tes ordres. Loin d'être la plus clémente des souveraines rares sont ceux qui ressortent hommes libres de ton tribunal, ta cruauté détruit tout sur son passage tout comme le feu de ton dragon brûle ses victimes. Tout ne sera que cendres sous ton courroux. Toi la reine des Ténèbres.
HUMEUR : Froideur extrême qui dissimule colère et cruauté. Dangereusement irritable.
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Vassilissa M. Thornsfield

Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1423434398

ESSAYE PAS DE SEDUIRE MA SOEUR TOI Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284
Remballe ton gif Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2177960698 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 2177960698
Et les Thornsfield sont parfaits par définition Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 774612770
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Mer 15 Juil - 9:21
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Bienvenue parmi nous Thornsfield Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 4272415346 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193
Bon courage pour ta fiche Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1617742268 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871661885
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Mer 15 Juil - 13:22
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bienvenue parmi nous Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1617742268
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Mer 15 Juil - 13:30
Väna S. Den Ulvsnø
Only one God, his name is Death. Only one thing we say to Death : “Not today”.
Only one God, his name is Death. Only one thing we say to Death : “Not today”.
RESIDENCE : Bramblesland, contrainte d'une vie renfermée, exilée de son pays natal, Väna supporte sa nouvelle demeure plus qu'elle ne la porte dans son propre coeur.
FONCTION : On la nomme Reine, pour elle, elle ne ressemble qu'à un pion avec lequel on joue. Elle voudrait pourtant faire entendre sa voix. Reine du grand Royaume de Bramlesland.
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Väna S. Den Ulvsnø

Anna colle tellement au personnage j'adore Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099 Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149
Bienvenue ma beauté et bonne chance pour la suite de ta fiche Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1299395092
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Ven 17 Juil - 20:32
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Merci pour vos petits messages, je vais vous rendre fou les loulous Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284

Et les modifications sont faites, je suis désolé d'avoir mis autant de temps mais je travaille ce mois-ci donc je ne passe pas souvent sur l'ordi la semaine. Plus que deux semaines. Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1678331284
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Ven 17 Juil - 22:42
Vassilissa M. Thornsfield
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
Le pouvoir peut être amassé par les puissants, et volé à des innocents.
RESIDENCE : Bramblesland là est ta patrie et ta demeure, c'est depuis la capitale de Ravenswood que tu règnes, protégée et crainte derrière les remparts de ton château. Assise sur ton trône, tu t'éloignes rarement de la cour de Dragoreth.
FONCTION : Tête couronnée à la tête d'un royaume. Tu es née reine et le resteras quoi qu'il advienne, toi et ta fratrie avez tout pouvoir sur Bramblesland, royaume que vous avez façonné, sublimé et créé. Il ne peut survivre sans vous puisque vous êtes l'énergie qui le rend fort, puissant, remarquable, prédominant. Juge Suprême tu es la loi et l'ordre de ton royaume, rien n'échappe à ton regard hagard, les autorités locales étant sous tes ordres. Loin d'être la plus clémente des souveraines rares sont ceux qui ressortent hommes libres de ton tribunal, ta cruauté détruit tout sur son passage tout comme le feu de ton dragon brûle ses victimes. Tout ne sera que cendres sous ton courroux. Toi la reine des Ténèbres.
HUMEUR : Froideur extrême qui dissimule colère et cruauté. Dangereusement irritable.
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Vassilissa M. Thornsfield

Pas de soucis ne t'en fais pas Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149 Alice nous avait prévenu que tu étais surchargée en ce moment Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 547047976

Les modifs sont faîtes donc tout est bon pour moi Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1299395092
Juste, n'oublies pas de bien nuancer la personnalité de Maë Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149 j'insiste je sais désolé Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 mais j'ai lu qu'elle avait étranglé une de ses espionnes à mains nues et c'est pas trop le genre de Maë qui justement est tout en délicatesse et en élégance, c'est la moins despote et sombre des cinq en fait Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1871489393 Je ne sais pas si tu en as discuté avec Bloodwen pour le scénar, mais elle a ce côté petite princesse pourrie gâtée un peu trop égocentrique Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 416856647 à toujours en faire des tonnes par exemple quand elle est malade pour obtenir soins et attentions, elle a sans cesse besoin d'être le centre d'intérêt. C'est le charme et la séduction Maëlle, ce pourquoi elle était la figure publique de la famille, elle est faussement accessible. Donc fais attention de ne pas nous en faire une sorte de Maléfique bis, c'est tout dans le jeu des apparences Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3170958149 (je crois que tu n'as pas eu le scénario, donc tu as fais ta fiche à l'aveuglette je sais que c'est pas facile et je trouve que tu t'es es très bien sortie du coup Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 547047976 mais je préfère préciser quelques points justement pour que tu aies toutes les infos pour la jouer Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 1617742268)

Contente de te compter parmi nous ma soeur Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 3239174099
BON JEUUUU SUR LLTQ Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. 55993193

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Maëlle ✻ Sometimes, illusions are better than truth.

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